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Funding Opportunities - Theatre & Dance

Center for Communication, Creativity and Collaboration

Funding Opportunities - Theatre & Dance

  • Open Continuous

    • Title

      Outreach Lecturing Fund


      Fulbright Scholar Program

      Funding Amount

      Fulbright pays long-distance travel and fees for Fulbright scholars currently in the U.S. The host institution (TXST) pays local transportation, lodging accommodations and meals of scholar (internal funds may be available to cover these costs).

      Important Dates


      Brief Description

      The Outreach Lecturing Fund (OLF) provides funding for campuses to host Fulbright Visiting Scholars, already in the United States, for short-term speaking engagements (usually 2-3 days). The OLF travel award is designed to enrich both institutions and Visiting Scholars through lectures that will promote academic disciplines and cultural understanding.

      Match Requirement

      Yes. Pay local travel, accommodations and meals of scholar.


    • Title



      Humanities Texas

      Funding Amount

      Up to $1,500

      Important Dates


      Brief Description

      Humanities Texas awards grants to nonprofit organizations and governmental entities to support a wide range of public programs: lectures, panel discussions, and conferences; teacher institutes; reading- and film-discussion groups; interpretive exhibits; television and radio programming; film production; and interactive multimedia programming.


      All funded programs are firmly grounded in the humanities and are directed to the general public, both adults and young people, outside of the regular school or college classroom. Programs targeting special audiences such as K–12 teachers, ethnic and community groups, or professional groups are also welcome. Mini-grants fund up to $1,500 of the costs associated with public humanities programs. These small grants, which are easy to apply for and administer, are particularly appropriate for funding a speaker and/or the rental of a traveling exhibition, including those provided by Humanities Texas.

      Match Requirement

      Yes. 1:1 dollar for dollar.  Pay local travel, accommodations and meals of scholar.


  • February 2025

    • Title

      Arts Respond Performance Support


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $75 Maximum Request: $8,000

      Important Dates

      Quarterly Deadline: Feb 1, May 1, August 1, November 1

      Brief Description

      This program provides professional artist fees to schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations for hiring an artist from the TCA Touring Roster to do a performance. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Fund for National Projects


      Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      February 24 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Through its Fund for National Projects, the awards up to $1 million in grants each year in support of key national projects in the professional nonprofit dance, jazz, presenting, and/or theater fields. Specifically, the fund supports projects that strengthen the national infrastructure of those fields, as well as those that improve conditions for the national community of performing artists in professional nonprofit dance, jazz, and theater.


      Eligible projects must engage a broad constituency, occur once (or periodically) rather than annually, and have the potential to significantly impact a field, including research projects assessing the national health of professional nonprofit arts groups or of individual professional artists; national convenings for an entire professional nonprofit performing arts field (beyond traditional national annual conferences); and projects that address unique circumstances affecting an entire professional nonprofit field. Highest priority will be given to projects that improve the health of the foundation's priority performing arts fields and do not duplicate ongoing efforts or existing services.


  • March 2025

    • Title

      Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting


      Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

      Funding Amount

      Up to $35,000

      Important Dates

      March 6 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting is an international screenwriting competition established to identify and encourage talented new screenwriters.

      Fellowship winners are invited to participate in awards week ceremonies and seminars and expected to complete at least one original feature film screenplay during the Fellowship year.


    • Title

      Summer Seminars and Institutes


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Education Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      February 21 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      These grants support professional development programs in the humanities for school teachers and for college and university faculty. NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes may be as short as one week or as long as four weeks.


      NEH Summer Seminars and Institutes:

      • provide models of excellent teaching;
      • provide models of excellent scholarship;
      • broaden and deepen understanding of the humanities;
      • focus on the study and teaching of significant topics, texts, and other sources;
      • contribute to the intellectual vitality of participants; and
        build communities of inquiry.


      An NEH Summer Seminar or Institute may be hosted by a college, university, learned society, center for advanced study, library or other repository, cultural or professional organization, or school or school system. The host site must be suitable for the project, providing facilities for collegial interaction and scholarship. These programs are designed for a national audience of participants.


    • Title

      Arts Create-1


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum request: $3,000 Maximum request: 25% of organization's last completed year's cash operating budget.

      Important Dates

      March 1 of odd numbered years

      Brief Description

      Intent: To advance the creative economy of Texas by investing in arts organizations. This program provides multi-year operational support. Applicants write their grant for a one-year period, and if funded, will provide an update for the second year. Depending on the availability of funds, the organization's award amount will be the same for two fiscal years. New organizations may only apply in odd numbered years. Eligibility: Established Arts Organizations with a budget between $50,000 and $1 million, College Arts Institutions.


      NOTE: this is a limited submission grant. Only one submission is allowed at a time. If interested, contact your Research Coordinator.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Research Fellowships


      National Gallery of Art

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Varies – See below

      Brief Description

      Fellows have access to the National Gallery, its library and the Library of Congress to support research on the visual arts from a variety of approaches. Programs include:


      • Senior Fellowship offers up to $50,000
      • Deadline: March 15, 2019; Award period: September 1, 2019 – February 28, 2020
      • (Anticipated) deadline: October 13 2019, Award period: March 1 - August 15, 2020.
      • Visiting Senior Fellowship offers up to $8,000
      • Deadline: March 21, 2019; Award period: September 1, 2019 – February 28, 2020
      • (Anticipated) deadline: September 2019, Award period: March 1 – August 15, 2020.
      • Predoctoral Fellowships up to $25,000
      • (Anticipated) deadline: October 15, 2019; Award period begins September 1, 2020.
      • Predoctoral Fellowship for Travel Abroad for Historians of American Art offers up to $6,000
      • (Anticipated) deadline: November 15, 2019; Award period: June 2020 – May 2021.
      • A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship offers up to $50,000;
      • (Anticipated) deadline: October 15, 2019; Award period: academic year 2020-2021.


    • Title

      Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows Competition for Recent PhDs


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      $65,000 per year with health insurance coverage for the fellow, and up to $3,000 in professional development funds over the course of the fellowship

      Important Dates

      March 18 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      ACLS invites applications for the sixth competition of the Public Fellows program. This year, the program will place up to 21 recent PhDs from the humanities and humanistic social sciences in two-year staff positions at partnering organizations in government and the nonprofit sector. Fellows will participate in the substantive work of these organizations and receive professional mentoring.


      Fellows receive a stipend of $65,000 per year, with individual health insurance and up to $3,000 to be used toward professional development activities over the course of the fellowship term.


      This initiative, made possible by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, aims to expand the role of doctoral education in the United States by demonstrating that the capacities developed in the advanced study of the humanities have wide application, both within and beyond the academy. The Mellon/ACLS Public Fellows program allows PhDs to gain valuable, career-building experience in fields such as public policy, development, conservation, arts and culture, and digital media. ACLS seeks applications from recent PhDs who aspire to careers in administration, management, and public service by choice rather than circumstance. Competitive applicants will have been successful in both academic and extra-academic experiences.


  • April 2025

    • Title

      Research Grants in the Arts


      National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      April 8 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The NEA's Office of Research & Analysis will make awards to support research that investigates the value and/or impact of the arts, either as individual components within the U.S. arts ecology or as they interact with each other and/or with other domains of American life. 

      Match Requirement

      1:1 nonfederal cash and in-kind match


    • Title

      NEA Research Labs


      National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $150,000

      Important Dates

      April 8 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The National Endowment for the Arts' five-year research agenda aims to build public knowledge about the arts' contributions to individuals and society. Through NEA Research Labs, we extend this agenda and its impact by cultivating a series of transdisciplinary research partnerships, grounded in the social and behavioral sciences, to produce and report empirical insights about the arts for the benefit of arts and also for non-arts sectors such as healthcare, education, and business or management. Institutions of higher education and/or nonprofit research and policy organizations may submit applications to be NEA Research Labs.

      NEA Research labs will define their own related agendas; conduct project activities to implement that agenda; and prepare reports and other products or services that will contribute substantively to a wider understanding of one of three areas of special interest to the Arts Endowment:

      * The Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation

      * The Arts, Creativity, Cognition, and Learning

      * The Arts, Health, and Social/Emotional, Well-Being

      Match Requirement

      1:1 nonfederal cash and in-kind match


  • May 2025

    • Title

      Arts Respond Performance Support


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $75 Maximum Request: $8,000

      Important Dates

      Anticipated Quarterly deadlines;

      May 1 - For activities occurring June 15 to Aug 31

      February 1 - For activities occurring March 15 to June 14

      August 1 - For activities occurring Sept 1 to Dec 14

      November 1 - For activities occurring Dec 15 to March 14

      Brief Description

      This program provides professional artist fees to schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations for hiring an artist from the TCA Touring Roster to do a performance. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


  • June 2025

    • Title

      NEH: Digital Projects for the Public


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Public Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      June 10 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Digital Projects for the Public program supports projects such as websites, mobile applications, games, and virtual environments that significantly contribute to the public’s engagement with humanities ideas.

      Digital Projects for the Public grants support projects that are largely created for digital platforms. While these projects can take many forms, shapes, and sizes, you should apply to this program primarily to create digital projects or the digital components of a larger project. NEH welcomes applications for smaller digital components of a larger project. In such applications you should explain how the digital pieces will enrich the users’ learning experience and engagement.

      Discovery grants may be used for:
      -  content research and narrative development;
      -  platform research and selection;
      -  identification or digitization of production assets;
      -  preliminary design;
      -  audience evaluation;
      -  user experience mockups; and
      -  storyboarding.


    • Title

      Preservation and Access Education and Training


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Preservation and Access

      Funding Amount

      Maximum fellowship stipend of $45,000 per year

      Important Dates

      June 11 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Preservation and Access Education and Training program is central to NEH’s efforts to preserve and establish access to cultural heritage collections. Thousands of libraries, archives, museums, and historical organizations across the country maintain important collections of books and manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings and moving images, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, art and material culture collections, electronic records, and digital objects. The challenge of preserving and making accessible such large and diverse holdings is enormous, and the need for knowledgeable staff is significant and ongoing.


    • Title

      Arts Respond-Cultural District Project


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $3,000 Maximum Request: 50% of project budget

      Important Dates

      June 15 for projects beginning September 1 through Aug. 31 (Anticipated)


      Intent: Projects that use the arts to diversify local economies, generate revenue, and attract visitors and investment.

      This program provides project assistance grants on a short-term basis and may include administrative costs directly related to the project.

      This program is designed for projects that focus on significant cultural tourism projects. These projects should serve at least one of the following:

      High quality arts programming that will attract a significant number of visitors from 50 miles or more outside the community (i.e., blockbuster art exhibitions, national or regional premieres, major festivals)

      Enhancements to the cultural district to make it more accessible, attractive, cohesive-looking, and safe for visitors

      Improved signage and wayfinding for the district

      Promotion of the district; this may include the district’s website, branding, and marketing

      Organizational support for the management and operations of the district (TCA Cultural District only)

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar.


    • Title

      Grants for Arts Project


      National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      July 9 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      To support the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, public engagement with diverse and excellent art, lifelong learning in the arts, and the strengthening of communities through the arts. Matching grants generally range from $10,000 to $100,000. A minimum cost share/match equal to the grant amount is required.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar match


    • Title

      Cultural Districts Designation Program


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Letter of Intent due January 30; application due June 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Intent: To designate special zones in cities and Texas communities that harness the power of cultural resources to stimulate economic development and community revitalization.

      As authorized by H.B. 2208 of the 79th Legislature, the Texas Commission on the Arts can designate cultural districts in Texas. In this program, an organization by itself or representing a collaborative effort will file an application to recognize their cultural district. Applicants must schedule an orientation meeting and work closely with Commission staff in the development of their application. Interested applicants must submit a letter of intent by email that includes a one-page description of the plans for the cultural district to: Note:  Work with C3 on this email submission! We will help you get your project on paper so they will want to learn more and fund your project.

      Successful applicants will have access to Arts Respond Projects and Arts Respond Cultural District Projects. When a cultural district is designated by the Texas Commission on the Arts, a recertification will be required every ten (10) years. Please read this for more information.


  • July 2025

    • Title

      Arts Respond Project


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $1,000 Maximum Request: 50% of project budget

      Important Dates

      July 15 for projects beginning Sept. 1 through March 31; January 15 for projects beginning April 1 through Aug. 31 

      Brief Description

      This program provides project assistance grants on a short-term basis and may include administrative costs directly related to the project.
      Projects must address ONE of the following priority areas:


      Intent: Projects that use art to promote innovations in K-12 education.
      Designed for projects that impact K-12 students in a school setting or during the school day in conjunction with school officials. Must be TEKS aligned (public schools).


      Intent: Projects that use art to improve human health or functioning.
      Designed for projects that focus on health related topics, serve specific populations, or occur in a health care or human service setting (hospital, clinic, senior activity center, women’s shelter, homeless shelter, etc).


      Intent: Projects that use art to diversify local economies, generate revenue, and attract visitors and investment.
      Designed for projects that focus on job growth or cultural tourism (festivals, gallery walks, art fairs, etc).


      Intent: Projects that use art to prevent delinquency and recidivism in youth and adults.

      Designed for projects that focus on at-risk youth or incarcerated populations (after school program, juvenile detention center, adult prison, alternative learning center).

      Intent: Projects that use art to understand and/or improve the ecological and agricultural environment.
      Designed for projects that occur in rural counties (festivals, fairs, exhibitions, performances) or focus on natural resources (oil, water, green art, ecological issues).

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Targeted Research Area Grants


      American Society for Theatre Research

      Funding Amount

      Grant of up to $3,000 ( may be split among more than one award)

      Important Dates

      Application Due July 16 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      This grant is intended to support specific projects by scholars working in areas important to ASTR's mission that are currently under-represented in its various activities. Such areas include, but are not limited to, the following: pre-1900 research and Asian, African, Latin American, and Middle Eastern theatre, dance, and performance. Translations of important theatre documents, including plays, will also be considered. This award is not intended to support curriculum development. Recipients are encouraged to submit their resulting work, if appropriate, to Theatre Survey and to liaise with the editors as the project develops.


      Eligibility: Any independent, tenured, or untenured scholar who is currently a member of ASTR and holds a terminal degree, or any graduate student who is applying in support of a project that is not directly related to her/his dissertation. Rank and Institutional affiliation are not considered. Applicants may not apply for a Targeted Research Area Grant and for a Research Fellowship for the same project in the same year.


      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Research Fellowships


      American Society for Theatre Research

      Funding Amount

      Grant of up to $3,000 (may be divided among multiple winners)

      Important Dates

      Application Due July 16 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The American Society for Theatre Research invites applications for its research fellowships. These aim to underwrite some of the research expenses of scholars undertaking projects that are significant to the field of theatre or performance studies.


      Eligibility: Any independent, tenured, or untenured scholar who is currently a member of ASTR and holds a terminal degree, or any graduate student who is applying in support of a project that is not directly related to her/his dissertation. Rank and Institutional affiliation are not considered. Applicants may not apply for a Targeted Research Area Grant and for a Research Fellowship for the same project in the same year.


      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Denhem Fellowship for Women Directors


      Stage Directors and Choreographers Workshop Foundation (SDCF)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Due July 31 (Anticipated

      Brief Description

      The Denham Fellowship is an annual award given to female identifying directors to further develop their directing skills by providing financial support for the Director's fee for a particular project. This fellowship was established in October 2006 by Mary Orr Denham as a bequest to SDC Foundation in honor of her late husband, Reginald H.F. Denham.

      Candidates may apply to the Denham Fellowship under one of two plans: fee enhancement or self producing. Under fee enhancement, the denham Fellowship augments a fee offered to the Director by a theatre or producer. Under self-producing, the Denham fellowship will serve as or augment the Director's fee. Selection will be made by a committee of directors and choreographers.

      Eligibility: Female identifying SDC Members and Associate Members in good standing may apply.

      Match Requirement



  • August 2025

    • Title

      Arts Respond Performance Support


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $75 Maximum Request: $8,000

      Important Dates

      Anticipated Quarterly deadlines; 

      May 1 - For activities occurring June 15 to Aug 31

      February 1 - For activities occurring March 15 to June 14

      August 1 - For activities occurring Sept 1 to Dec 14

      November 1 - For activities occurring Dec 15 to March 14

      Brief Description

      This program provides professional artist fees to schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations for hiring an artist from the TCA Touring Roster to do a performance. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Arts, Culture, & Humanities; Human Services


      Crystelle Waggoner Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 1 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Born to a ranching family, Crystelle Waggoner raised cattle and thoroughbred horses. A patron of the arts and supporter of medical charities during her lifetime, she established a 50-year trust to benefit charitable organizations in the arts and social services.


    • Title

      Public Humanities Projects


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Public Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 12 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Public Humanities Projects grants support projects that bring the ideas and insights of the humanities to life for general audiences. Projects must engage humanities scholarship to illuminate significant themes in disciplines such as history, literature, ethics, and art, or to address challenging issues in contemporary life.  NEH encourages projects that involve members of the public in collaboration with humanities scholars or that invite contributions from the community in the development and delivery of humanities programming.


    • Title

      Elderly, Children, Education, Performing & Nonperforming Arts


      Helen Gertrude Sparks Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 1 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Helen Sparks was born in Fort Worth, Texas, but went to college in the East. After graduation she returned to Fort Worth where she worked with the Fort Worth Little Theater. A cultured woman, she was interested in local artists and supported them by commissioning works. She also enjoyed literature and needlepoint.


      The Helen Gertrude Sparks Charitable Trust made its first distributions in 1971, and was created to benefit charitable organizations focused on:

      • The elderly, those who are disabled in any way
      • Children who are disabled, orphaned or disadvantaged
      • The arts, including performing and nonperforming arts
      • Education

      "The Trustee shall always show preference for those organizations which do not receive the predominate portion of their funds from government sources.


  • September 2025

    • Title

      Research Fellowships


      National Gallery of Art

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Varies – See below

      Brief Description

      Fellows have access to the National Gallery, its library and the Library of Congress to support research on the visual arts from a variety of approaches. Programs include:


      • Senior Fellowship offers up to $50,000
        •  (Anticipated)Deadline: October 15 ; Award period: Academic year 2021-2022
      • Visiting Senior Fellowship offers up to $8,000
        •  (Anticipated)Deadline: March 21; Award period: September 1, 2021 – February 28, 2022
      • Predoctoral Fellowships up to $25,000 
        • (Anticipated) deadline: November 15; Award period begins September 1 following year.
      • A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship offers up to $50,000;
        • Anticipated) deadline: October 15; Award period: academic year 2021-2022.


    • Title

      Arts-Based Approaches in Palliative Care for Symptom Management


      National Institutes of Health (NIH)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $300,000

      Important Dates

      September 7 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support mechanistic clinical studies aimed at understanding the impact of arts-based approaches in palliative care for symptom management. This FOA is intended to support mechanistic clinical studies to provide an evidence base for the use of the arts in palliative care for symptom management. The objective is to understand the biological, physiological, neurological, psychological, and/or sociological mechanisms by which the arts exert their effects on symptom management during and throughout the palliative care continuum. The goal is for the research supported under this FOA to develop an evidence-base that could be used as a basis for the uptake of arts-based therapies in palliative care settings, among individuals across the lifespan, with a wide variety of serious chronic conditions and their accompanying symptoms. This FOA is not intended to determine efficacy or the comparative effectiveness of interventions, or to assess interventions designed to treat the underlying cause of a particular disease state.


    • Title

      Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program



      Funding Amount

      Fulbright pays for: roundtrip international air travel, a monthly stipend, an allowance for up to two dependents, and initial settling in and professional allowances.

      Important Dates

      September 15 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers approximately 470 teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others. In addition to several new program models designed to meeting the changing needs of U.S. academics and professionals, Fulbright offers flexible awards including multi-country opportunities.

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program


      Radcliffe Institute for Advance Study

      Funding Amount

      Stipends of up to $77,500 for one year with additional funds

      Important Dates

      September 14 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study encourages you to explore the people, programs, and collections that make the Radcliffe Institute a home to big thinkers, new ideas, cutting-edge research, and thought-provoking events that are free and open to the public

      Radcliffe Fellows are expected to devote themselves full time to the work outlined in their proposal. Since this is a residential fellowship, fellows are expected to reside in the Boston area the fellowship period and to have their primary office at the institute to participate fully in the life of the community.

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Guggenheim Fellowship: to assist research and artistic creation, United States & Canada


      Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      September 19 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Award to individual scholars, scientists, and artists. Guggenheim Fellowships are grants to selected individuals made for a minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months. Since the purpose of the Guggenheim Fellowship program is to help provide Fellows with blocks of time in which they can work with as much creative freedom as possible, grants are made freely. No special conditions attach to them, and Fellows may spend their grant funds in any manner they deem necessary to their work. The United States Internal Revenue Service, however, does require the Foundation to ask for reports from its Fellows at the end of their Fellowship terms.


    • Title

      ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Varies, but will not exceed $201,000 per project

      Important Dates

      September 27 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      ACLS invites applications for the ninth annual competition for ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowships, which support small teams of two or more scholars collaborating intensively on a single, substantive project in the humanities and related social sciences. The goal of the project should be a tangible research product (such as joint print or web publications) for which at least two collaborators will take credit. The program is funded by a generous grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


    • Title

      ACLS Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Maximum award:
      $70,000 for full Professor and equivalent
      $45,000 for Associate Professor and equivalent
      $35,000 for Assistant Professor and equivalent

      Important Dates

      September 27 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The ACLS Fellowship program invites research applications in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects.

      ACLS Fellowships are intended as salary replacement to help scholars devote six to twelve continuous months to full-time research and writing. ACLS Fellowships are portable and are tenable at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for research. (1) An ACLS Fellowship may be held concurrently with other fellowships and grants and any sabbatical pay, up to an amount equal to the candidate's current academic year salary. 

      Match Requirement



  • October 2025

    • Title

      Research Fellowships


      National Gallery of Art

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Varies – See below

      Brief Description

      Fellows have access to the National Gallery, its library and the Library of Congress to support research on the visual arts from a variety of approaches. Programs include:

      • Senior Fellowship offers up to $50,000
        •  (Anticipated)Deadline: October 15 ; Award period: Academic year 2021-2022
      • Visiting Senior Fellowship offers up to $8,000
        •  (Anticipated)Deadline: March 21; Award period: September 1, 2021 – February 28, 2022
      • Predoctoral Fellowships up to $25,000 
        • (Anticipated) deadline: November 15; Award period begins September 1 following year.
      • A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship offers up to $50,000;
        • Anticipated) deadline: October 15; Award period: academic year 2021-2022.



    • Title

      Regional Touring Program Grants


      Mid-America Arts Alliance

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      This program has a rolling deadline, and applications are due three weeks prior to start date of project.

      Brief Description

      This program awards grants to qualifying organizations that present public events in their community. Grants support projects of artistic excellence and merit by underwriting the fees of artists who live in the region, providing financial support for nonprofit presenters who hire in-region artists, including those listed on the regional state arts agency touring rosters. Presenters may book artists in any discipline.


    • Title

      Regional Touring Program Grants


      Mid-America Arts Alliance

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      October 14 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      This program awards grants to qualifying organizations that present public events in their community. Grants support projects of artistic excellence and merit by underwriting the fees of artists who live in the region, providing financial support for nonprofit presenters who hire in-region artists, including those listed on the regional state arts agency touring rosters. Presenters may book artists in any discipline.


    • Title

      NEH: Dialogues on the Experience of War


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Public Programs

      Funding Amount

      Up to $100,000

      Important Dates

      October 14 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      As a part of its current initiative, Standing Together: The Humanities and the Experience of War, the National Endowment for the Humanities offers a new grant opportunity: The Dialogues on the Experience of War program. The program supports the study and discussion of important humanities sources about war, in the belief that these sources can help U.S. military veterans and others to think more deeply about the issues raised by war and military service. The humanities sources can be drawn from history, philosophy, literature, and film—and they may and should be supplemented by testimonials from those who have served. The discussions are intended to promote serious exploration of important questions about the nature of duty, heroism, suffering, loyalty, and patriotism.


  • November 2025

    • Title

      Research Fellowships


      National Gallery of Art

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Varies – See below

      Brief Description

      Fellows have access to the National Gallery, its library and the Library of Congress to support research on the visual arts from a variety of approaches. Programs include:


      • Senior Fellowship offers up to $50,000
      • Deadline: March 21, 2017; Award period: September 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018
      • (Anticipated) deadline: September 2017, Award period: March 1 - August 15, 2018.
      • Visiting Senior Fellowship offers up to $8,000
      • Deadline: March 21, 2017; Award period: September 1, 2017 – February 28, 2018
      • (Anticipated) deadline: September 2017, Award period: March 1 – August 15, 2018.
      • Predoctoral Fellowships up to $25,000
      • (Anticipated) deadline: November 15, 2017; Award period begins September 1, 2018.
      • Predoctoral Fellowship for Travel Abroad for Historians of American Art offers up to $6,000
      • (Anticipated) deadline: November 15, 2017; Award period: June 2018 – May 2019.
      • A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship offers up to $50,000;
      • (Anticipated) deadline: October 15, 2017; Award period: academic year 2018-2019.


    • Title

      Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program



      Funding Amount

      Fulbright pays for: roundtrip international air travel, a monthly stipend, an allowance for up to two dependents, and initial settling in and professional allowances.

      Important Dates

      November 1 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      This program assists U.S. higher education institutions in expanding programs of academic exchange. By supporting non-U.S. scholars through grants for teaching at institutions that might not have a strong international component, both the U.S. institution and the scholar grantee benefit. Although SIR primarily funds programs involving the humanities and social science fields, it also funds programs in such disciplines as education, law, environmental studies and the performing arts.

      Match Requirement

      Yes. Lodging Accommodations, local travel, a salary supplement and meal allowance for scholar are encouraged.


    • Title

      Artistic Innovations Grants


      Mid-America Arts Alliance

      Funding Amount

      Up to $15,000

      Important Dates

      Letters of intent due November 1; applications due January 20 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      These grants support the creation of new work. The program is designed to encourage experimentation and collaboration, and engaging audiences throughout M-AAA’s region. Artistic Innovations grants underwrite direct expenses related to the art-making process, as well as the premier of new endeavors.


    • Title

      Arts Respond Performance Support


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $75 Maximum Request: $8,000

      Important Dates

      Anticipated Quarterly deadlines;

      May 1 - For activities occurring June 15 to Aug 31

      February 1 - For activities occurring March 15 to June 14

      August 1 - For activities occurring Sept 1 to Dec 14

      November 1 - For activities occurring Dec 15 to March 14

      Brief Description

      This program provides professional artist fees to schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations for hiring an artist from the TCA Touring Roster to do a performance. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship


      National Academy of Education

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      November 20 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports early career scholars working in critical areas of education research. This non-residential postdoctoral fellowship funds proposals that make significant scholarly contributions to the field of education. The program also develops the careers of its recipients through professional development activities involving National Academy of Education members.


    • Title

      Comparative Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $25,000 for conferences; $10,000 to $15,000 for workshops and seminars; up to $6,000 for planning meetings

      Important Dates

      November 8, (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      In this cycle of competitions ACLS invites proposals in the humanities and related social sciences that adopt an explicitly cross-cultural or comparative perspective. Projects may, for example, compare aspects of Chinese history and culture with those of other nations and civilizations, explore the interaction of these nations and civilizations, or engage in cross-cultural research on the relations among the diverse and dynamic populations of China. Proposals should be empirically grounded, theoretically informed, and methodologically explicit.

      The program supports collaborative work of three types:

      Planning Meetings: Grants up to $6,000 for one-day meetings to develop topics selected by participants. These brainstorming sessions may lead to workshops or conferences, but that is not required.

      Workshops: Grants of $10,000 to $15,000 for workshops to promote discussion and the exchange of ideas on newly available or inadequately researched data or texts in a collegial, seminar-like setting. Workshops are not mini-conferences for presentation of formal papers describing work already completed.

      Conferences: Grants up to $25,000 for formal conferences for presentation of significant new research to be published in a conference volume.

      The program promotes interchange among scholars who may not otherwise have the opportunity to work together. Accordingly, there will be no support for activities that include scholars from only one institution that fall within an institution’s normal range of colloquia, symposia, or seminar series, or that consist of regularly scheduled meetings, conventions, or parts thereof. Activities proposed must include at least one scholar from Taiwan.


    • Title

      Fellowships to Artists



      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      LOI Due: November 16 (Anticipated)

      Full Proposal Due: February 8 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Dance/USA Fellowships to Artists (DFA) is made possible with generous support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. DFA addresses a decades-long issue in the dance field -- the importance of supporting individual artists. 

      1. Provide fellowships to artists to support their creative and social change work, which impacts one or more communities in which they work. 
      2. Provide a resource and support network to fellows during the fellowship period. 
      3. Recognize the specialized expertise of these artists and increase visibility for their practice. 

      DFA seeks to identify dance artists who have not had access to significant national funding in support of their work. 

      Direct support will be provided to dance artists who have substantive practice of working through dance to address social change within one or more communities. 

      DFA will support artists who are creating work that is relevant to current times, and that tells the truths of peoples and issues in our communities and world today. Artists funded must have dedicated their practice to directly and meaningfully addressing the needs of one or more community(s). Outside of the communities in which they work, these artists may not be well known for the ways in which their practice might inform and inspire their choreography and performance. 


    • Title

      USArtists International


      Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation (MAAF)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Full Application Due: November 22 (Anticipated) - For Projects taking place between March 15, 2021 and March 14, 2022

      Brief Description

      USArtists International supports performances by U.S. artists at important cultural festivals and arts marketplaces around the globe. Committed to the presence of U.S. based artists on world stages, USArtists International provides grants to ensembles and individual performers in dance, music and theatre invited to perform at significant international festivals and performing arts markets. 

      USAI encourages and promotes the vibrant diversity of U.S. artists and creative expression in the performing arts by expanding opportunity and exposure to international audiences, encouraging international cultural exchange and enhancing the creative and professional development of U.S. based artists by providing connections with presenters, curators and artists around the world. USAI extends the reach and impact of professional touring artists and ensembles from the United States and is committed to expanded touring opportunities for continued sustainability of U.S. artists.


    • Title

      Exchange Grants


      Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET)

      Funding Amount

      $3,000 to $10,000

      Important Dates

      Notice of Intent Due: November 30 (Anticipated)

      Full Application Due: January 14 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      NET/TEN Exchange Grants build on and deepen existing relationships through shared activity and peer-to-peer learning. 

      Exchange Grants must address one of these two goals: 

      (A) Artistic or technical/production exploration. Builds on a prior relationship, in order to go deeper into a technique or methodology, follow a mutual interest, build a shared work, present a performance, etc. Performance tours are not a required element of these grants, although they may be included as part of the exchange. 

      (B) Administrative development/exchange. Deepens existing relationships by exploring practices unique to the operation or management of an ensemble, such as (but not limited to): approaches to shared or rotating leadership, training in consensus decision-making, use of non-traditional structures, etc. 

      Exchange Grants are designed to allow lead applicants and partners to take financial risks, to explore something beyond what they are already doing, and/or to more fully capitalize collaborations. 

      Building community is a priority for NET. The required community engagement activities in Exchange Grants are intended to expose a broader audience to the process and value of ensemble methods and practices. Proposals (except those focusing on administrative development/exchange) must include at least one community engagement opportunity: 

      - An informal sharing of a work-in-progress, a process, or from a previous body of work 
      - An informal dialogue/conversation about a range of topics 
      - A workshop, class, or other learning activity 
      - A public engagement activity 

      While participants for these engagement opportunities are generally defined as the "general public," they may also be defined as other artists in the community who are not members of the host partner organization. Engagement activities should be appropriate to the ensembles/partners involved and community served, it is up to you to determine what makes the most sense for your project and community. 


    • Title

      Tribeca All Access


      Tribeca Film Institute (TFI)

      Funding Amount

      Maximum $10,000

      Important Dates

      November 5 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Tribeca All Access is TFI's flagship program for scripted and documentary storytellers from systematically excluded communities. TAA specializes in providing a full range of services for storytellers who are best described by one word: Fearless

      TAA will support seven scripted features and seven documentary features. TFI will continue to champion filmmakers living in Latin America through TAA, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, by funding at least four films per year from the region.

      Tribeca All Access seeks feature-length scripted and documentary projects from both established and emerging storytellers whose team includes a director that is from a community systematically excluded from the U.S. film industry. Projects may be in any stage of development, from the treatment/screenplay stage through the post-production. Projects of any genre and/or budget range are welcome to apply.

      In addition to providing a grant, TFI works closely with the recipients and helps them develop professional relationships throughout the film industry via networking opportunities such as, TFI Network, panels, workshops and other events during the Tribeca Film Festival. Tribeca All Access also provides year-round, customized support in order to advance projects through completion.

      In order to qualify for the Tribeca All Access, entrants must comply with all of the following Rules and Eligibility Requirements.

      1. Scripted films:

      -Films intended to be subtitled are eligible, but the submitted screenplay must be in English.

      - Submissions must not have been distributed in theatres or have aired on any form of television, internet streaming, or public screening prior to February 2020.

      2. Documentary Films:

      - Eligible documentary projects may be in pre-production/development, production, or post-production.

      - Projects in pre-production or development should have already secured access to their subject(s) and put a suggestive storyline in place.

      -Submissions must not have been distributed in theatres or have aired on any form of television, internet streaming, or public screening prior to February 2020.

      3. Hybrid Films:

      -Hybrid films are absolutely eligible. Applicants should select the closest corresponding category (scripted or documentary) and follow those applications regulations.


  • December 2025

    • Title

      NEH: Collaborative Research Grant


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Research Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      December 2 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Collaborative Research Grants support interpretive humanities research undertaken by two or more collaborating scholars, for full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years. Support is available for various combinations of scholars, consultants, and research assistants; project-related travel; field work; applications of information technology; and technical support and services. All grantees are expected to disseminate the results of their work to the appropriate scholarly and public audiences.


      Eligible projects include:

      • research that significantly adds to knowledge and understanding of the humanities;
      • conferences on topics of major importance in the humanities that will benefit scholarly research; and
      • archaeological projects that include the interpretation and dissemination of results.


  • January 2026

    • Title

      Cultural Districts Designation Program


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Letter of Intent due January 30; application due June 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Intent: To designate special zones in cities and Texas communities that harness the power of cultural resources to stimulate economic development and community revitalization.


      As authorized by H.B. 2208 of the 79th Legislature, the Texas Commission on the Arts can designate cultural districts in Texas. In this program, an organization by itself or representing a collaborative effort will file an application to recognize their cultural district. Applicants must schedule an orientation meeting and work closely with Commission staff in the development of their application. Interested applicants must submit a letter of intent by email that includes a one-page description of the plans for the cultural district to: Note:  Work with C3 on this email submission! We will help you get your project on paper so they will want to learn more and fund your project.


      Successful applicants will have access to Arts Respond Projects and Arts Respond Cultural District Projects. When a cultural district is designated by the Texas Commission on the Arts, a recertification will be required every ten (10) years. Please read this for more information.


    • Title

      CECArtsLink Residency Hosts and Project Grants



      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      ArtsLink Residency proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis but must be received no later than June 1 (Confirmed).

      Brief Description

      1. ArtsLink Residency Host grants invite you to host an artist or arts manager from specific eligible countries (mainly Eastern European and Asian countries) for five weeks. Host organizations receive funding to cover the living, working and materials costs for the ArtsLink Fellows, and a small administrative stipend. Residencies last Oct. 17-Nov. 21, 2019 (Confirmed).


    • Title

      ACLS Digital Extension Grants


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $150,000

      Important Dates

      January 16 (Confirmed)

      Brief Description

      ACLS Digital Extension Grants will support teams of scholars as they enhance existing digital projects in ways that engage new audiences across a range of academic communities and institutions. To this end, projects supported by these grants may:

      • Extend existing digital projects and resources with content that adds diversity or interdisciplinary reach;
      • Develop new systems of making existing digital resources available to broader audiences and/or scholars from diverse institutions;
      • Foster new team-based work or collaborations that allow scholars from institutions with limited cyberinfrastructure to exploit digital resource


      Create new forms and sites for scholarly engagement with the digital humanities. Projects that document and recognize participant engagement are strongly encouraged.


    • Title

      Touring Roster Inclusion


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      January 31, 2019 (confirmed) 

      Brief Description

      Intent: To ensure that every Texas community has access to high quality arts programming at an affordable price.


      The Texas Commission on the Arts maintains an approved Touring Roster of Texas-based touring companies and artists. In this program, the artist or artist's management sets the fee and negotiates the booking. Applicants must have a history of touring and maintain a reasonable fee range. Roster artists are required to perform outside their community regularly. Touring artists offer single performances as well as optional services that may include workshops, master classes, lecture-demonstrations, arts education components, residencies, or short performances. The fact that an artist is approved to the roster does not imply or guarantee that the artist will receive bookings in the coming year.



    • Title

      Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Preservation and Access

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      January 31, 2019 (confirmed)

      Brief Description

      Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections (SCHC) helps cultural institutions meet the complex challenge of preserving large and diverse holdings of humanities materials for future generations by supporting sustainable conservation measures that mitigate deterioration and prolong the useful life of collections.


      Libraries, archives, museums, and historical organizations across the country face an enormous challenge: to preserve collections that facilitate research, strengthen teaching, and provide opportunities for life-long learning in the humanities. Ensuring the preservation of books and manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings and moving images, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, art, and historical objects requires institutions to implement measures that slow deterioration and prevent catastrophic loss. This work is best accomplished through preventive conservation, which encompasses managing relative humidity, temperature, light, and pollutants in collection spaces; providing protective storage enclosures and systems for collections; and safeguarding collections from theft and from natural and man-made disasters.


    • Title

      NEA Translation Projects


      National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $25,000

      Important Dates

      January 13 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Grant Program Description:  Through fellowships to published translators, the National Endowment for the Arts supports projects for the translation of specific works of prose, poetry, or drama from other languages into English. We encourage translations of writers and of work that are not well represented in English translation. All proposed projects must be for creative translations of literary material into English. The work to be translated should be of interest for its literary excellence and value. Priority will be given to projects that involve work that has not previously been translated into English. Competition for fellowships is rigorous. Potential applicants should consider carefully whether their work will be competitive at the national level.
