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Funding Opportunities - Art & Design

Center for Communication, Creativity and Collaboration

Funding Opportunities - Art & Design

  • Open Continuous

    • Title

      Outreach Lecturing Fund


      Fulbright Scholar Program

      Funding Amount

      Fulbright pays long-distance travel and fees for Fulbright scholars currently in the U.S. The host institution (TXST) pays local transportation, lodging accommodations and meals of scholar (internal funds may be available to cover these costs).

      Important Dates


      Brief Description

      The Outreach Lecturing Fund (OLF) provides funding for campuses to host Fulbright Visiting Scholars, already in the United States, for short-term speaking engagements (usually 2-3 days). The OLF travel award is designed to enrich both institutions and Visiting Scholars through lectures that will promote academic disciplines and cultural understanding.

      Match Requirement

      Yes. Pay local travel, accommodations and meals of scholar.


    • Title



      Humanities Texas

      Funding Amount

      Up to $1,500

      Important Dates


      Brief Description

      Humanities Texas awards grants to nonprofit organizations and governmental entities to support a wide range of public programs: lectures, panel discussions, and conferences; teacher institutes; reading- and film-discussion groups; interpretive exhibits; television and radio programming; film production; and interactive multimedia programming.

      All funded programs are firmly grounded in the humanities and are directed to the general public, both adults and young people, outside of the regular school or college classroom. Programs targeting special audiences such as K–12 teachers, ethnic and community groups, or professional groups are also welcome. Mini-grants fund up to $1,500 of the costs associated with public humanities programs. These small grants, which are easy to apply for and administer, are particularly appropriate for funding a speaker and/or the rental of a traveling exhibition, including those provided by Humanities Texas.


    • Title

      Documentary Fund


      Sundance Institute

      Funding Amount

      Up to $50,000; categories of granting: - Development (up to $20,000) - Production/Post-Production (up to $50,000) - Audience Engagement (up to $20,000)

      Important Dates

      Year round

      Brief Description

      The Sundance Documentary Fund provides grants to filmmakers worldwide for projects that display: artful film language, effective storytelling, originality and feasibility, contemporary cultural relevance, and potential to reach and connect with its intended audience. Preference is given to projects that convey clear story structure, higher stakes and contemporary relevance, forward going action or questions, demonstrated access to subjects, and quality use of film craft.


    • Title

      San Marcos Mural Arts Grant


      City of San Marcos, San Marcos Mural Arts Program and San Marcos Arts Commission

      Funding Amount

      $1,500-$2,500+ Artist honorarium, up to 50% cost of materials and supplies and full cost of a clear coat of the mural.

      Important Dates

      Year round

      Brief Description

      The City of San Marcos is offering grants and design assistance to artists in an effort to place murals on private property throughout the city.


    • Title

      Regional Touring Program Grants


      Mid-America Arts Alliance

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Rolling deadline; applications due 8 weeks prior to the start date of the project

      Brief Description

      This program awards grants to qualifying organizations that present public events in their community. Grants support projects of artistic excellence and merit by underwriting the fees of artists who live in the region, providing financial support for nonprofit presenters who hire in-region artists, including those listed on the regional state arts agency touring rosters. Presenters may book artists in any discipline.


  • February 2025

    • Title

      Arts Respond Performance Support


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $75 Maximum Request: $8,000

      Important Dates

      Anticipated Quarterly deadlines;

      May 1 - For activities occurring June 15 to Aug 31

      February 1 - For activities occurring March 15 to June 14

      August 1 - For activities occurring Sept 1 to Dec 14

      November 1 - For activities occurring Dec 15 to March 14

      Brief Description

      This program provides professional artist fees to schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations for hiring an artist from the TCA Touring Roster to do a performance. Touring artists offer single performances as well as optional services that may include workshops, master classes, lecture-demonstrations, arts education components, residencies, or short performances. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Performing & Fine Arts/Education Grants


      David and Betty Sacks Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      February 1 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      David Sacks was a physician and a true renaissance man. He was an accomplished musician, sculptor and active amateur athlete. He passed away in 1998.

      After grants are made to specific named benefactors, additional distributions will be made exclusively to 501(c)(3) charities for the performing arts, the fine arts and educational purposes, with the balance to be distributed for general charitable purposes; including religious, scientific, literary or educational purposes or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. In addition, grants may be awarded to support sport competitions. Only amateur sports organizations as defined in section 501(j) of the Internal Revenue Code may request support for equipment or facilities.



    • Title

      Medical Research and Fine Arts in San Antonio Grants


      Marcia and Otto Koehler Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      February 1 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Marcia and Otto Koehler Foundation supports charitable organizations with a focus that includes, but not limited to, the support of medical research and medical care facilities; programs that encourage the fine arts in the City of San Antonio, including the display, production or performance of artistic works; and the promotion of the physical, mental and moral well-being of boys and girls in the San Antonio area by providing education, recreation, guidance and medical care.


    • Title

      Arts Grants


      Rea Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      February 15: Organization names beginning with letters A-L (confirmed) 

      August 15: Organization names beginning with letters M-Z (confirmed) 

      Brief Description

      The Rea Charitable Trust awards grants exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes. There are no program or geographic limitations; however, the Trust gives preference to organizations that promote the arts. ***NOTE: each organization limited to one application per year.



    • Title

      26th Annual Health Care Research Award


      NIHCM Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      February 3 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Recognizes outstanding published work from researchers furthering innovation in health care financing, delivery and organization or the implementation of health care policy. The 23-year-old award carries a $10,000 prize and is judged by an independent panel of experts.

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Fund for National Projects


      Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      February 15 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Through its Fund for National Projects, DDCF awards up to $1 million in grants each year in support of key national projects in the professional nonprofit dance, jazz, presenting, and/or theater fields. Specifically, the fund supports projects that strengthen the national infrastructure of those fields, as well as those that improve conditions for the national community of performing artists in professional nonprofit dance, jazz, and theater.

      Eligible projects must engage a broad constituency, occur once (or periodically) rather than annually, and have the potential to significantly impact a field, including research projects assessing the national health of professional nonprofit arts groups or of individual professional artists; national convenings for an entire professional nonprofit performing arts field (beyond traditional national annual conferences); and projects that address unique circumstances affecting an entire professional nonprofit field. Highest priority will be given to projects that improve the health of the foundation's priority performing arts fields and do not duplicate ongoing efforts or existing services.


    • Title

      Creative Capital Award


      Creative Capital

      Funding Amount

      Maximum of $50,000 in direct funding and career development services valued at $50,000

      Important Dates

      Opens at beginning of February and closes at the end of February (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Creative Capital takes chances on artists by supporting your bold, challenging, and genre-stretching ideas. Over the past 20 years, we have developed a four-part approach that includes support for you, your project, your community, and your audience. Through funding, professional development, individual meetings with close colleagues, and consistent engagement with our staff, we provide you with the resources you will need at strategic moments in your process. These include: consultations with legal, financial, marketing, public relations, and web consultants; an orientation meeting, Artists Retreats and Regional Gatherings; ten meetings with a strategic planning coach; and much more.

      We make a commitment to work with you for the time you need to get your project done. Most of the projects we Support have a timeline of at least a few years; even longer, we will stick with you every step of the way.

      Match Requirement



  • March 2025

    • Title

      Digital Art History Grants


      Samuel H. Kress Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      March 1; September 1 (anticipated

      Brief Description

      The Digital Art History Grants Program is intended to foster new forms of research and collaboration as well as new approaches to teaching and learning. Support will also be offered for the digitization of important visual resources (especially art history photographic archives) in the area of pre-modern European art history; of primary textual sources (especially the literary and documentary sources of European art history); for promising initiatives in online publishing; and for innovative experiments in the field of digital art history. Please note that this grant program does not typically support the digitization of museum object collections.


    • Title

      The Otis and Velma Davis Travel Grant


      Dallas Museum of Art

      Funding Amount

      Up to $6,000

      Important Dates

      March 3 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Otis and Velma Davis Dozier Travel Grant was established in 1990 to honor the memory of Dallas artists Otis and Velma Davis Dozier, who strongly believed in the enriching experiential and aesthetic influence of travel on an artist’s work. The grant seeks to recognize exceptional talent in professional Texas artists who wish to expand their artistic horizons through domestic or foreign travel.

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Arts, Culture & Humanities, Education, Human Services Grants


      Perry Dean and Alice Graham Charitable Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      March 1 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Perry Dean and Alice Graham Charitable Foundation was established in 1987. Mr. and Mrs. Graham were residents of Navarro County and were philanthropic in the community in which they lived. Grants are limited to or for the use of 501(c)(3) charitable organizations within the state of Texas that are organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes.


    • Title

      Furthermore Grants in Publishing


      J.M. Kaplan Fund

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      March 1 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Supports non-fiction books about art, architecture, and design; cultural history, and related public issues; and conversation and preservation. Grants apply to writing, research, editing, design, indexing, photography, illustration, printing and binding. Proposals with a publisher already committed are usually preferred.


    • Title

      Arts Create-1


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum request: $3,000 Maximum request: 25% of organization's last completed year's cash operating budget.

      Important Dates

      March 1, 2019 of odd numbered years (confirmed)

      Brief Description

      Intent: To advance the creative economy of Texas by investing in arts organizations. This program provides multi-year operational support. Applicants write their grant for a one-year period, and if funded, will provide an update for the second year. Depending on the availability of funds, the organization's award amount will be the same for two fiscal years. New organizations may only apply in odd numbered years. Eligibility: Established Arts Organizations with a budget between $50,000 and $1 million, College Arts Institutions. ***Note: LIMITED SUBMISSION. Only one application is allowed per organization per deadline. If interested in applying, contact your Research Coordinator.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Millard Meiss Publication Grants


      College Art Association

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      March 15 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Supports book-length scholarly manuscripts that have been accepted by a commercial or university publisher but that cannot be published in the most desirable form without a subsidy. Works must focus on art history, visual studies, or related subjects. Museum catalogues, excavation reports, articles, collections of previously published essays, or multi-author volumes are ineligible.


    • Title

      Arts Create Subgranting


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $3,000

      Maximum Request: This program has graduated requirements & maximum requests based on the population of the community:

      Areas between 1 and 499,999 - $10,000

      Areas between 500,000 and 999,999 - $35,000

      Areas of 1,000,000 or more - $40,000

      Important Dates

      March 15, 2019 (confirmed) 

      Brief Description

      This multi-year program allows professionally staffed local arts agencies to regrant funds to arts and other service organizations in their communities. Funded sub grant activities must evidence artistic merit. Subgrant applicants to TCA must have an existing panel review system to evaluate local proposals. This panel may not be the Board of Directors of the local arts agency. The agency must have a two-year history of serving the population area with grants before requesting funding support for that area from TCA. Subgrant applicants are encouraged to fund as many organizations with TCA funds as possible. All subgrant applicants are encouraged to prioritize TCA funds for organizations in rural counties. Subgrant applicants with community populations larger than 500,000 are encouraged to prioritize TCA funds for minority organizations in their community. Administrative expenses are not allowed. This program has additional reporting requirements. New organizations may only apply in odd numbered years.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Research Fellowships


      National Gallery of Art

      Funding Amount

      Varies. $6,000-$50,000

      Important Dates

      Multiple; usually March, September, October (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Fellows have access to the National Gallery, its library and the Library of Congress to support research on the visual arts from a variety of approaches. Programs include: Senior Fellowship offers up to $50,000 (10/15); Visiting Senior Fellowship offers up to $8,000 (3/21/16; 9/21/15); Predoctoral Fellowships up to $25,000 (nominations only); Predoctoral Fellowship for Travel Abroad for Historians of American Art offers up to $6,000 (11/15) and A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship offers up to $50,000 (10/15).


    • Title

      Child Welfare Near San Antonio Grants


      Jack H. and William M. Light Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      March 31 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Jack H. & WM. M. Light Charitable Trust makes distributions on a semiannual basis. These grants are directed to 501(C)(3) organizations. The current emphasis is on the welfare of children in the broadest sense, with a primary interest in supporting organizations involved in the health, mental health, and education of children, and having a direct impact principally in Bexar, Denton and Harris Counties, Texas.


    • Title

      Community Grants for Projects in Bexar County


      Nancy Smith Hurd Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      March 31 and Sept 30 (confirmed)

      Brief Description

      The Nancy Smith Hurd Foundation will consider significant grant requests where the award of the grant would make a major impact in the community; create opportunities to partner with other philanthropic minded funders encouraging community collaboration; fund capital campaigns in progress; and for the advancement of an organization which would not occur without the grant.


  • April 2025

    • Title

      Light Work Grants in Photography


      Light Work

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      April 1 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Light Work is pleased to announce the 2017 Light Work Grants in Photography competition. Light Work began offering grants to CNY artists in 1975 to encourage the production of new photographic work in the region. Three $3,000 grants will be awarded to photographers who reside within an approximate 50-mile radius of Syracuse, N.Y. The recipients of these grants are invited to display their work in a special exhibition at Light Work, and their work will also be reproduced in Light Work’s award-winning publication, Contact Sheet: The Light Work Annual.


      Match Requirement



    • Title

      NEH Awards for Faculty at Hispanic-Serving Institutions


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      April 8 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      This program supports individual faculty or staff members at Hispanic-Serving Institutions pursuing research of value to humanities scholars, students, or general audiences. Awards are designed to be flexible, allowing applicants to define the audience, type of research, award periods, and administrative arrangements that best fit their projects.


      Match Requirement



    • Title

      NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Research Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      April 22, 2020- Receipt deadline due for projects beginning January 2021

      Brief Description

      Through NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication, the National Endowment for the Humanities and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation jointly support individual scholars pursuing research projects that require digital expression and digital publication. To be eligible for this special opportunity, an applicant’s plans for digital publication must be essential to the project’s research goals. That is, the project must be conceived as digital because the nature of the research and the topics being addressed demand presentation beyond traditional print publication. Successful projects will likely incorporate visual, audio, and/or other multimedia materials or flexible reading pathways that could not be included in traditionally published books.


    • Title

      New Work Project Grants


      The Harpo Foundation

      Funding Amount

       Up to $10,000

      Important Dates

       Letter of Intent Due April 10, 2020 - Full Proposal Due July 2, 2020

      Brief Description

      The Chicago-based Harpo Foundation was established in 2006 to support emerging visual artists, stimulate creative inquiry, and encourage new modes of thinking about art. 

      To that end, the foundation is inviting Letters of Inquiry for its 2019 New Work project Grants. Through the annual program, grants of up to $10,000 are awarded to nonprofit organizations in support of new work by underrecognized artists age 21 or older. The foundation will consider proposals that directly support the production of new work by visual artists and/or collaborative teams who are underrecognized in their field. This production may happen in the context of an installation, public intervention, residency, or exhibition.



    • Title

      Research Grants in the Arts


      National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      April 8 (Anticipated

      Brief Description

      The NEA's Office of Research & Analysis will make awards to support research that investigates the value and/or impact of the arts, either as individual components within the U.S. arts ecology or as they interact with each other and/or with other domains of American life. 

      Match Requirement

      1:1 nonfederal cash and in-kind match


    • Title

      NEA Research Labs


      National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $150,000

      Important Dates

      April 8 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The National Endowment for the Arts' five-year research agenda aims to build public knowledge about the arts' contributions to individuals and society. Through NEA Research Labs, we extend this agenda and its impact by cultivating a series of transdisciplinary research partnerships, grounded in the social and behavioral sciences, to produce and report empirical insights about the arts for the benefit of arts and also for non-arts sectors such as healthcare, education, and business or management. Institutions of higher education and/or nonprofit research and policy organizations may submit applications to be NEA Research Labs.

      NEA Research labs will define their own related agendas; conduct project activities to implement that agenda; and prepare reports and other products or services that will contribute substantively to a wider understanding of one of three areas of special interest to the Arts Endowment:

      * The Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation

      * The Arts, Creativity, Cognition, and Learning

      * The Arts, Health, and Social/Emotional, Well-Being

      Match Requirement

      1:1 nonfederal cash and in-kind match


  • May 2025

    • Title

      Arts Respond Performance Support


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $75 Maximum Request: $8,000

      Important Dates

      Anticipated Quarterly deadlines;

      May 1 - For activities occurring June 15 to Aug 31

      February 1 - For activities occurring March 15 to June 14

      August 1 - For activities occurring Sept 1 to Dec 14

      November 1 - For activities occurring Dec 15 to March 14

      Brief Description

      This program provides professional artist fees to schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations for hiring an artist from the TCA Touring Roster to do a performance. Touring artists offer single performances as well as optional services that may include workshops, master classes, lecture-demonstrations, arts education components, residencies, or short performances. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Preservation and Access Education and Training


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Preservation and Access

      Funding Amount

      Maximum award amount: $350,000 for a period of performance of up to three years.

      Important Dates

      May 15 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Preservation and Access Education and Training program supports the development of knowledge and skills among professionals responsible for preserving and establishing access to humanities collections. Thousands of libraries, archives, museums, and historical organizations across the country maintain important collections of books and manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings and moving images, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, art and material culture collections, electronic records, and digital objects. The challenge of preserving and making accessible such large and diverse holdings is enormous, and the need for knowledgeable staff is significant and ongoing.


    • Title

      Andy Warhol Art Writer Grant


      The Andy Warhol Foundation

      Funding Amount

      Ranges from $15,000 to $50,000

      Important Dates

      May 20 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant supports writers whose work addresses contemporary visual art through project-based grants issued directly to individual authors.

      The first program of its kind, it was founded in recognition of both the financially precarious situation of arts writers and their indispensable contribution to a vital artistic culture. The Arts Writers Grant Program issues awards for articles, blogs, books, new and alternative media, and short-form writing projects and aims to support the broad spectrum of writing on contemporary visual art, from general-audience criticism to academic scholarship.

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Best Buy Community Grants


      Best Buy Foundation

      Funding Amount

       Maximum $15,000

      Important Dates

      May 31, 2020 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Best Buy Foundation is seeking local organizations with a demonstrated track record for building skill proficiency in technology through out-of-school time programs.

      Programs should help teens build tech skills by utilizing cutting-edge technology such as computers, digital cameras, video cameras and professional software in a wide range of areas including (but not limited to):

      -Audio production (including music mixing & recording)

      -Website development

      -Computer maintenance and repair

      -UX/UI (user experience/user interface)

      -Digital arts such as graphic design and photography


      -Mobile & Game app development

      -3D Animation

      -Programing & coding

      -Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality


      -Green technology

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Research and Development


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Preservation and Access

      Funding Amount

      Tier I: $75,000

      Tier II: $350,000 (Maximum)

      Important Dates

      May 15 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Research and Development program supports projects that address major challenges in preserving or providing access to humanities collections and resources. These challenges include the need to find better ways to preserve materials of critical importance to the nation’s cultural heritage—from fragile artifacts and manuscripts to analog recordings and digital assets subject to technological obsolescence—and to develop advanced modes of organizing, searching, discovering, and using such materials.

      This program recognizes that finding solutions to complex problems often requires forming interdisciplinary project teams, bringing together participants with expertise in the humanities; in preservation; and in information, computer, and natural science.

      All projects must demonstrate how advances in preservation and access would benefit the cultural heritage community in supporting humanities research, teaching, or public programming.


    • Title

      Rapid Response for a Better Digital Future Program



      Funding Amount

      Maximum: $20,000

      Important Dates

      May 21 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Eyebeam seeks to help artists positioned to create new ways of interacting through the internet, new ways of engaging with each other, and more equitable relationships with respect to sustainable arts practices and creative economies. The program is based on the fundamental notion that radical imagination, led by artists, is a key step in building for the long term and, to that end, invites artists to submit ideas for actionable projects that enact solutions for the rebuilding of digital systems and improve the overlap and interplay between those systems and lived social experience. The guiding question for this call is: How do we begin to exit surveillance capitalism as the dominating form of digital life and what can replace it?

      The program will unfold two phases: in phase 1 a dozen planning/idea stage grants of $5,000 each will be awarded; in phase 2 the project/development phase, three of those recipients, based on the potential of their ideas to have real-world impact, will be awarded up to an additional $20,000 to build their ideas into actionable projects.


  • June 2025

    • Title

      CECArtsLink Residency Hosts and Project Grants



      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      June 1 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      ArtsLink Residency Host grants invite you to host an artist or arts manager from specific eligible countries (mainly Eastern European and Asian countries) for five weeks. Host organizations receive funding to cover the living, working and materials costs for the ArtsLink Fellows, and a small administrative stipend. Residencies last Oct. 13-Nov. 16th  (anticipated)

      Match Requirement

      Yes. Lodging Accommodations, local travel, a salary supplement and meal allowance for scholar are encouraged.


    • Title

      NEH: Digital Projects for the Public


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Public Programs

      Funding Amount

      $30,000 - Discovery grants

      $100,000 - Prototyping grants

      $300,000 - Production grants

      Important Dates

      June 9 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Digital Projects for the Public program supports projects such as websites, mobile applications, games, and virtual environments that significantly contribute to the public’s engagement with humanities ideas.


      Digital Projects for the Public grants support projects that are largely created for digital platforms. While these projects can take many forms, shapes, and sizes, you should apply to this program primarily to create digital projects or the digital components of a larger project. NEH welcomes applications for smaller digital components of a larger project. In such applications you should explain how the digital pieces will enrich the users’ learning experience and engagement.


      Discovery grants may be used for:

      -  content research and narrative development;

      -  platform research and selection;

      -  identification or digitization of production assets;

      -  preliminary design;

      -  audience evaluation;

      -  user experience mockups; and

      -  storyboarding.


    • Title

      Arts Respond-Cultural District Project


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $3,000 Maximum Request: 50% of project budget

      Important Dates

      June 15 for projects beginning September 1 through Aug. 31  (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Projects that use the arts to diversify local economies, generate revenue, and attract visitors and investment.

      This program provides project assistance grants on a short-term basis and may include administrative costs directly related to the project.

      This program is designed for projects that focus on significant cultural tourism projects. These projects should serve at least one of the following:

      High quality arts programming that will attract a significant number of visitors from 50 miles or more outside the community (i.e., blockbuster art exhibitions, national or regional premieres, major festivals)

      Enhancements to the cultural district to make it more accessible, attractive, cohesive-looking, and safe for visitors

      Improved signage and wayfinding for the district

      Promotion of the district; this may include the district’s website, branding, and marketing

      Organizational support for the management and operations of the district (TCA Cultural District only)

      These grants may include capital improvements.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Cultural Districts Designation Program


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      June 15 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Intent: To designate special zones in cities and Texas communities that harness the power of cultural resources to stimulate economic development and community revitalization.

      As authorized by H.B. 2208 of the 79th Legislature, the Texas Commission on the Arts can designate cultural districts in Texas. In this program, an organization by itself or representing a collaborative effort will file an application to recognize their cultural district. Applicants must schedule an orientation meeting and work closely with Commission staff in the development of their application.


    • Title

      Inspirational Teachers Award Grant


      Elizabeth Hurlock Bechman Award Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      June 30 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Gail McKnight Beckman created the Beckman Award to benefit teachers who have inspired their former students to make a significant contribution to society. The award is given to current or former academic faculty members who have inspired their former students to “create an organization which has demonstrably conferred a benefit on the community at large.” Alternatively, the academic faculty member must have inspired their former students to “establish on a lasting basis a concept, procedure, or movement of comparable benefit to the community at large.


  • July 2025

    • Title

      New Craft or Visual Art Projects Grant


      Ruth and Harold Chenven Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      July 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Ruth and Harold Chenven Foundation gives annual awards of $1500 to individual artists living and working in the United States, and who are engaged in or planning a new craft or visual art project. Applicants should have a developed body of work. The Foundation does not accept film, video, performance art or music submissions (except as those media are integrated into a larger craft or visual art project).


    • Title

      Common Field Grant


      Common Field

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      April 15, July 15, November 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Common Field is a visual arts organizing network connecting contemporary, experimental, noncommercial artist-run and artist centered spaces and initiatives.

      Match Requirement



    • Title



      Graham Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      July 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Founded in 1956, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts makes project-based grants to individuals and organizations and produces public programs to foster the development and exchange of diverse and challenging ideas about architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society.


      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Arts Respond Project


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $1,000 Maximum Request: 50% of project budget

      Important Dates

      July 15 for projects beginning Sept. 1 through March 31; January 15 for projects beginning April 1 through Aug. 31  (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      This program provides project assistance grants on a short-term basis and may include administrative costs directly related to the project.

      Projects must address ONE of the following priority areas:


      Intent: Projects that use art to promote innovations in K-12 education.

      Designed for projects that impact K-12 students in a school setting or during the school day in conjunction with school officials. Must be TEKS aligned (public schools).


      Intent: Projects that use art to improve human health or functioning.

      Designed for projects that focus on health related topics, serve specific populations, or occur in a health care or human service setting (hospital, clinic, senior activity center, women’s shelter, homeless shelter, etc).


      Intent: Projects that use art to diversify local economies, generate revenue, and attract visitors and investment.

      Designed for projects that focus on job growth or cultural tourism (festivals, gallery walks, art fairs, etc.)


      Intent: Projects that use art to prevent delinquency and recidivism in youth and adults.

      Designed for projects that focus on at-risk youth or incarcerated populations (after school program, juvenile detention center, adult prison, alternative learning center).


      Intent: Projects that use art to understand and/or improve the ecological and agricultural environment.

      Designed for projects that occur in rural counties (festivals, fairs, exhibitions, performances) or focus on natural resources (oil, water, green art, ecological issues).

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Charitable Arts, Culture & Humanities Grants


      Nina Heard Austin Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      July 31 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      To support a variety of charitable causes, primarily in the state of Texas. Program areas:

      Arts, culture, and humanities


      Environment, animals


      Human services



    • Title

      Community-Based Archives Grants


      Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

      Funding Amount

      $25,000 to $100,000

      Important Dates

      Full Application Due July 1 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      This grant supports community-based archives that represent and serve communities marginalized due to oppression based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, class, sexuality, religion, ability, and/or geographic location. Community-based archives must demonstrate that the community members being served and represented actively participate in their archival processes and make key decisions about what to collect and how.

      Grant funds may be used for operational support, including general support for staff, space, and utilities; collections care, including storage, cataloging, description, and preservation; and programming and outreach activities, including the collection of new materials, exhibitions, publications, or other uses of the collections.



    • Title

      Humanities Collections and Reference Resources


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      July 15 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Humanities Collections and Reference Resources (HCRR) program supports projects that provide an essential underpinning for scholarship, education, and public programming in the humanities. Thousands of libraries, archives, museums, and historical organizations across the country maintain important collections of books and manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings, and moving images, archaeological and ethnographic artifacts, arts and material culture, and digital objects. Funding from this program strengthens efforts to extend the life of such materials and make their intellectual content widely accessible, often through the use of digital technology. Awards are also made to create various reference resources that facilitate use of cultural materials, from works that provide basic information quickly to tools that synthesize and codify knowledge of a subject for in-depth investigation.

      The HCRR program includes two funding categories: Implementation and Foundations.

      Match Requirement



  • August 2025

    • Title

      Arts Respond Performance Support


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $75 Maximum Request: $8,000

      Important Dates

      Anticipated Quarterly deadlines;

      May 1 - For activities occurring June 15 to Aug 31

      February 1 - For activities occurring March 15 to June 14

      August 1 - For activities occurring Sept 1 to Dec 14

      November 1 - For activities occurring Dec 15 to March 14

      Brief Description

      This program provides professional artist fees to schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations for hiring an artist from the TCA Touring Roster to do a performance. Touring artists offer single performances as well as optional services that may include workshops, master classes, lecture-demonstrations, arts education components, residencies, or short performances. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Arts & Social Service Grants


      Crystal Waggoner Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 1 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Born to a ranching family, Crystelle Waggoner raised cattle and thoroughbred horses. A patron of the arts and supporter of medical charities during her lifetime, she established a 50-year trust to benefit charitable organizations in the arts and social services.


    • Title

      Elderly, Disabled, Children, and the Arts Grants


      Helen Gertrude Sparks Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 1 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Helen Sparks was born in Fort Worth, Texas, but went to college in the East. After graduation she returned to Fort Worth where she worked with the Fort Worth Little Theater. A cultured woman, she was interested in local artists and supported them by commissioning works. She also enjoyed literature and needlepoint. The Helen Gertrude Sparks Charitable Trust made its first distributions in 1971, and was created to benefit charitable organizations focused on:

      The elderly, those who are disabled in any way

      Children who are disabled, orphaned or disadvantaged

      The arts, including performing and nonperforming arts


      "The Trustee shall always show preference for those organizations which do not receive the predominate portion of their funds from government sources.


    • Title

      Education & Human Services Grants


      Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 1 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Katherine C. Carmody Charitable Trust was created in April 1957 by Katherine Carmody of Corsicana, Texas, to support charitable organizations in the state of Texas. Ms. Carmody was a private person who was married for several years. Her husband predeceased her and she left no living issue. Later in life, Ms. Carmody became a resident at the Adolphus Hotel where she crafted her will.  Over the years, the Katherine Church Carmody Charitable Trust has granted several million dollars to various organizations in Texas.


    • Title

      Public Humanities Projects


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Public Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 12 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Public Humanities Projects grants support projects that bring the ideas and insights of the humanities to life for general audiences. Projects must engage humanities scholarship to illuminate significant themes in disciplines such as history, literature, ethics, and art, or to address challenging issues in contemporary life.  NEH encourages projects that involve members of the public in collaboration with humanities scholars or that invite contributions from the community in the development and delivery of humanities programming.


    • Title

      Media Projects: Production Grants


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Public Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 12 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Media Projects program supports film, television, and radio projects that engage general audiences with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways. All projects must be grounded in humanities scholarship in disciplines such as history, art history, film studies, literature, drama, religious studies, philosophy, or anthropology. Projects must also demonstrate an approach that is thoughtful, balanced, and analytical (rather than celebratory). The approach to the subject matter must go beyond the mere presentation of factual information to explore its larger significance and stimulate critical thinking. NEH is a national funding agency, so the projects that we support must demonstrate the potential to attract a broad general audience.

      Film and television projects may be single programs or a series addressing significant figures, events, or ideas. Programs must be intended for national distribution, via traditional carriage or online distribution. The Division of Public Programs welcomes projects that range in length from short-form to broadcast-length video.


    • Title

      Media Projects: Development Grants


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Public Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 12 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Media Projects program supports film, television, and radio projects that engage general audiences with humanities ideas in creative and appealing ways. All projects must be grounded in humanities scholarship in disciplines such as history, art history, film studies, literature, drama, religious studies, philosophy, or anthropology. Projects must also demonstrate an approach that is thoughtful, balanced, and analytical (rather than celebratory). The approach to the subject matter must go beyond the mere presentation of factual information to explore its larger significance and stimulate critical thinking. NEH is a national funding agency, so the projects that we support must demonstrate the potential to attract a broad general audience.


    • Title

      Education & Human Service Grants for Underserved Populations


      Luella Kemper Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 1 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Luella Kemper Trust was established in 1986 to support and promote quality education and human services programming for underserved populations. Special consideration is given to charitable organizations that serve the people of Grayson County, Texas.


    • Title

      Arts Grants


      Rea Charitable Trust

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 15- Organization name beginning with letters M-Z; February 15- Organization names beginning with letters A-L (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Rea Charitable Trust awards grants exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes. There are no program or geographic limitations; however, the Trust gives preference to organizations that promote the arts.


    • Title

      Our Town


      National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      August 20 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Organizations may apply for creative placemaking projects that contribute to the livability of communities and place the arts at their core. Our Town offers support for projects in two areas:


      Arts Engagement, Cultural Planning, and Design Projects that represent the distinct character and quality of their communities. These projects require a partnership between a nonprofit organization and a local government entity, with one of the partners being a cultural organization. Matching grants range from $25,000 to $200,000.

      Projects that Build Knowledge About Creative Placemaking. These projects are available to arts and design service organizations, and industry, policy, or university organizations that provide technical assistance to those doing place-based work. Matching grants range from $25,000 to $100,000.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


  • September 2025

    • Title

      Digital Art History Grants


      Samuel H. Kress Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      March 1; September 1 (anticipated

      Brief Description

      The Digital Art History Grants Program is intended to foster new forms of research and collaboration as well as new approaches to teaching and learning. Support will also be offered for the digitization of important visual resources (especially art history photographic archives) in the area of pre-modern European art history; of primary textual sources (especially the literary and documentary sources of European art history); for promising initiatives in online publishing; and for innovative experiments in the field of digital art history. Please note that this grant program does not typically support the digitization of museum object collections.


    • Title

      Furthermore Grants in Publishing


      J.M. Kaplan Fund

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Semi-annually- March 1, September 1 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Supports non-fiction books about art, architecture, and design; cultural history, and related public issues; and conversation and preservation. Grants apply to writing, research, editing, design, indexing, photography, illustration, printing and binding. Proposals with a publisher already committed are usually preferred.


    • Title

      Arts-Based Approaches in Palliative Care for Symptom Management


      National Institutes of Health (NIH)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $300,000

      Important Dates

      September 7 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to support mechanistic clinical studies aimed at understanding the impact of arts-based approaches in palliative care for symptom management. This FOA is intended to support mechanistic clinical studies to provide an evidence base for the use of the arts in palliative care for symptom management. The objective is to understand the biological, physiological, neurological, psychological, and/or sociological mechanisms by which the arts exert their effects on symptom management during and throughout the palliative care continuum. The goal is for the research supported under this FOA to develop an evidence-base that could be used as a basis for the uptake of arts-based therapies in palliative care settings, among individuals across the lifespan, with a wide variety of serious chronic conditions and their accompanying symptoms. This FOA is not intended to determine efficacy or the comparative effectiveness of interventions, or to assess interventions designed to treat the underlying cause of a particular disease state.


    • Title

      Major Grants for Community Projects


      Humanities Texas

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      September 15 (anticipated)  

      Brief Description

      Humanities Texas awards grants to nonprofit organizations and governmental entities to support a wide range of public programs: lectures, panel discussions, and conferences; teacher institutes; reading- and film-discussion groups; interpretive exhibits; television and radio programming; film production; and interactive multimedia programming. All funded programs are firmly grounded in the humanities and are directed to the general public, both adults and young people, outside of the regular school or college classroom. Programs targeting special audiences such as K–12 teachers, ethnic and community groups, or professional groups are also welcome. Major grants for community projects fund comprehensive public programs such as lectures, seminars, and conferences; book and film discussions; interpretive exhibitions and materials; town forums and civic discussions; and teacher workshops. Programs should reflect substantial participation by both humanities scholars and members of the target audience(s).


    • Title

      Millard Meiss Publication Grants


      College Art Association

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Semi Annual- September 15, March 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Supports book-length scholarly manuscripts that have been accepted by a commercial or university publisher but that cannot be published in the most desirable form without a subsidy. Works must focus on art history, visual studies, or related subjects. Museum catalogues, excavation reports, articles, collections of previously published essays, or multi-author volumes are ineligible.


    • Title

      Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program



      Funding Amount

      Fulbright pays for: roundtrip international air travel, a monthly stipend, an allowance for up to two dependents, and initial settling in and professional allowances.

      Important Dates

      September 15 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers approximately 470 teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others. In addition to several new program models designed to meeting the changing needs of U.S. academics and professionals, Fulbright offers flexible awards including multi-country opportunities.

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Major Grants for Media Projects


      Humanities Texas

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      September 15 (anticipated)  

      Brief Description

      Humanities Texas awards grants to nonprofit organizations and governmental entities to support a wide range of public programs: lectures, panel discussions, and conferences; teacher institutes; reading- and film-discussion groups; interpretive exhibits; television and radio programming; film production; and interactive multimedia programming. All funded programs are firmly grounded in the humanities and are directed to the general public, both adults and young people, outside of the regular school or college classroom. Programs targeting special audiences such as K–12 teachers, ethnic and community groups, or professional groups are also welcome. Major grants for media projects fund film, radio, television, or interactive programming related to the humanities. Applicants may request funds for any phase of the project, including scripting, development, production, post-production, and in some cases, distribution and free public screenings. Humanities scholars should play an integral role in determining the content and approach of the project.


    • Title

      Guggenheim Fellowship: to assist research and artistic creation, United States & Canada


      Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      September 19 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Award to individual scholars, scientists, and artists. Guggenheim Fellowships are grants to selected individuals made for a minimum of six months and a maximum of twelve months. Since the purpose of the Guggenheim Fellowship program is to help provide Fellows with blocks of time in which they can work with as much creative freedom as possible, grants are made freely. No special conditions attach to them, and Fellows may spend their grant funds in any manner they deem necessary to their work. The United States Internal Revenue Service, however, does require the Foundation to ask for reports from its Fellows at the end of their Fellowship terms.


    • Title

      NEH Summer Stipends:


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      September 23 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.

      Eligible projects usually result in articles, monographs, books, digital materials and publications, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources.

      Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.

      Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development.


      Match Requirement



    • Title

      ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Varies, but will not exceed $201,000 per project

      Important Dates

      September 28 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      ACLS invites applications for the ninth annual competition for ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowships, which support small teams of two or more scholars collaborating intensively on a single, substantive project in the humanities and related social sciences. The goal of the project should be a tangible research product (such as joint print or web publications) for which at least two collaborators will take credit. The program is funded by a generous grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


    • Title

      ACLS Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Maximum award: 

      $70,000 for full Professor and equivalent 

      $45,000 for Associate Professor and equivalent

      $35,000 for Assistant Professor and equivalent

      Important Dates

      September 25 (Anticipated)  

      Brief Description

      The ACLS Fellowship program invites research applications in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects.


      ACLS Fellowships are intended as salary replacement to help scholars devote six to twelve continuous months to full-time research and writing. ACLS Fellowships are portable and are tenable at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for research. (1) An ACLS Fellowship may be held concurrently with other fellowships and grants and any sabbatical pay, up to an amount equal to the candidate's current academic year salary. Tenure of the fellowship may begin no earlier than July 1, 2021 and no later than February 1, 2022.


    • Title

      Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      $95,000, plus funds for research costs and related scholarly activities of up to $7,500 and for relocation up to $3,000

      Important Dates

      September 30 (anticipated)  

      Brief Description

      These fellowships support long-term, unusually ambitious projects in the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects.

      The Burkhardt program offers two sets of opportunities for recently tenured humanists. The first set of Burkhardt Fellowships support an academic year (nine months) of residence at any one of the 13 participating residential research centers, and are open to faculty at any degree-granting academic institution in the United States. An additional set of Burkhardt Fellowships are designated specifically for liberal arts college faculty, and support an academic year of residence at a wider range of locations including campus humanities centers and university academic departments to be proposed by the applicant. (Liberal arts college faculty may apply for either of the Burkhardt awards and should select the fellowship opportunity that will best serve their project.)


    • Title

      Summer Stipends


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Research Programs

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      September 23 (Anticipated)  

      Brief Description

      Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.

      Eligible projects usually result in articles, monographs, books, digital materials and publications, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources.

      Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.

      Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development.

      ***Note: LIMITED SUBMISSION. Texas State is only allowed to submit a certain number of these proposals each year. Interested faculty should contact their Research Coordinator and be prepared to submit a 2-page letter of intent describing the project near the end of Spring semester.


    • Title

      Community Grants for Projects in Bexar County


      Nancy Smith Hurd Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      September 30 (anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      The Nancy Smith Hurd Foundation will consider significant grant requests where the award of the grant would make a major impact in the community; create opportunities to partner with other philanthropic minded funders encouraging community collaboration; fund capital campaigns in progress; and for the advancement of an organization which would not occur without the grant.


  • October 2025

    • Title

      Franklin Research Grants


      American Philosophical Society

      Funding Amount

      Up to $6,000

      Important Dates

      October 1 for a January 2021 decision for work in February 2021 through January 2022 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Since 1933, the American Philosophical Society has awarded small grants to scholars in order to support the cost of research leading to publication in all areas of knowledge. In 2015–2016 the Franklin Research Grants program awarded $473,950 to 93 scholars, and the Society expects to make a similar number of awards in this year’s competition. The Franklin program is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies, or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses.


      Match Requirement




    • Title

      Getty Scholar Grants


      The Getty Foundation  

      Funding Amount

      A stipend of up to $65,000 per year will be awarded based on length of stay.

      Important Dates

      October 2 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Getty Scholar Grants are for established scholars, or writers who have attained distinction in their fields. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free from academic obligations, make use of Getty collections, join their colleagues in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty.


      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Research Enhancement Program (REP) (anticipated annual internal grant)


      Texas State University, Research Enhancement Program

      Funding Amount

      Up to $8,000 for single eligible investigators; up to $16,000 for teams of eligible investigators.

      Important Dates

      October 14 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Texas State's Research Enhancement Program is an internally funded grant competition intended to encourage and provide support for faculty research and other creative activities. All full-time Texas State faculty members, tenured or tenure-track, are eligible to apply. Individuals are eligible to apply for a maximum of $8000; two or more eligible faculty, for a maximum of $16,000.

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Getty Scholar Grants


      The Getty Foundation

      Funding Amount

      A stipend of up to $65,000 per year

      Important Dates

      October 2 (anticipated

      Brief Description

      Getty Scholar Grants are for established scholars, or writers who have attained distinction in their fields. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free from academic obligations, make use of Getty collections, join their colleagues in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty. The grant also includes an office at the Getty Research Institute or the Getty Villa, research assistance, an apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, airfare to and from Los Angeles, and makes healthcare options available.


    • Title

      NEH: Dialogues on the Experience of War


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Division of Public Programs

      Funding Amount

      Up to $100,000

      Important Dates

      October 14 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      As a part of its current initiative, Standing Together: The Humanities and the Experience of War, the National Endowment for the Humanities offers a new grant opportunity: The Dialogues on the Experience of War program. The program supports the study and discussion of important humanities sources about war, in the belief that these sources can help U.S. military veterans and others to think more deeply about the issues raised by war and military service. The humanities sources can be drawn from history, philosophy, literature, and film—and they may and should be supplemented by testimonials from those who have served. The discussions are intended to promote serious exploration of important questions about the nature of duty, heroism, suffering, loyalty, and patriotism.


    • Title

      Research Fellowships


      National Gallery of Art

      Funding Amount

      Varies. $6,000-$50,000

      Important Dates

      October 15 (anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Fellows have access to the National Gallery, its library and the Library of Congress to support research on the visual arts from a variety of approaches. Programs include: Senior Fellowship offers up to $50,000; Visiting Senior Fellowship offers up to $8,000 ; Predoctoral Fellowships up to $25,000 (nominations only); Predoctoral Fellowship for Travel Abroad for Historians of American Art offers up to $6,000 and A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship offers up to $50,000.


    • Title

      Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in American Art


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      $30,000 plus up to $4,000 as a travel and research allowance

      Important Dates

      October 23 (Anticipated

      Brief Description

      ACLS invites applications for Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in American Art, which are designated for graduate students at any stage of PhD dissertation research or writing. Ten fellowships are available for a non-renewable, one-year term beginning between June and September 2021 for the 2021-22 academic year. The fellowships may be carried out in residence at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for the research. The fellowships may not be used to defray tuition costs or be held concurrently with any other major fellowship or grant.


    • Title

      Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      $30,000 plus funds for research costs of up to $3,000 and for university fees of up to $5,000

      Important Dates

      October 23 (Anticipated

      Brief Description

      ACLS invites applications for Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships, which support a year of research and writing to help advanced graduate students in the humanities and related social sciences in the last year of PhD dissertation writing. The program encourages timely completion of the PhD. Applicants must be prepared to complete their dissertations within the period of their fellowship tenure and no later than August 31, 2020. A grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supports this program.

      ACLS will award 65 fellowships in this competition for a one-year term beginning between June and September 2021 for the 2021-22 academic year. The fellowship may be carried out in residence at the fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for the research. These fellowships may not be held concurrently with any other fellowship or grant.

      The total award of up to $38,000 includes a stipend plus additional funds for university fees and research support. In addition to the monetary support that the fellowship offers, Dissertation Completion Fellows are able to apply to participate in a seminar on preparing for the academic job market.  The seminar takes place over three days in the fall of the fellowship year.


    • Title

      Getty-ACLS Postdoctoral Fellowships in the History of Art


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Stipend of $60,000, plus $5,00 for research and travel during award period.

      Important Dates

      October 28 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      ACLS will award 10 fellowships. The fellowships are portable: a fellow may elect to take up the award at any appropriate site for the work proposed, including abroad.

      These fellowships are intended to provide early career scholars from around the world with time to undertake research and/or writing for projects that will make substantial and original contributions to the understanding of art and its history. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant. ACLS does not fund creative work (e.g., novels or films), textbooks, straightforward translation, or pedagogical projects.


      Match Requirement



  • November 2025

    • Title

      Artistic Innovations Grants


      Mid-America Arts Alliance

      Funding Amount

      Up to $15,000

      Important Dates

      Letters of intent due November 1 (Anticipated

      Brief Description

      These grants support the creation of new work. The program is designed to encourage experimentation and collaboration, and engaging audiences throughout M-AAA’s region. Artistic Innovations grants underwrite direct expenses related to the art-making process, as well as the premier of new endeavors.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 cash match


    • Title

      Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Program



      Funding Amount

      Fulbright pays for: roundtrip international air travel, a monthly stipend, an allowance for up to two dependents, and initial settling in and professional allowances.

      Important Dates

      November 1 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence (S-I-R) Program assists U.S. higher education institutions in expanding programs of academic exchange. By supporting non-U.S. scholars through grants for teaching at institutions that might not have a strong international component, both the U.S. institution and the scholar grantee benefit.

      S-I-R gives preference to Hispanic-serving institutions. 

      Match Requirement

      Yes. Lodging Accommodations, local travel, a salary supplement and meal allowance for scholar are encouraged.


    • Title

      Arts Respond Performance Support


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $75 Maximum Request: $8,000

      Important Dates

      Anticipated Quarterly deadlines;

      May 1 - For activities occurring June 15 to Aug 31

      February 1 - For activities occurring March 15 to June 14

      August 1 - For activities occurring Sept 1 to Dec 14

      November 1 - For activities occurring Dec 15 to March 14

      Brief Description

      This program provides professional artist fees to schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations for hiring an artist from the TCA Touring Roster to do a performance. Touring artists offer single performances as well as optional services that may include workshops, master classes, lecture-demonstrations, arts education components, residencies, or short performances. These applications are funded based on a percentage of contracted fees.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Rome Prize


      American Academy in Rome

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      November 1 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      For over a century, the AMERICAN ACADEMY IN ROME has awarded the Rome Prize to support innovative and cross-disciplinary work in the arts and humanities. Rome Prize Fellowships include a stipend, room and board, and individual work space at AAR’s eleven-acre campus in Rome. A Rome Prize includes room and board, a stipend and separate work space, as well as privileged access to Rome.


    • Title

      African Humanities Program


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      November 2 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Goals of the African Humanities Program:
      to encourage and enable the production of new knowledge and new directions for research
      to strengthen the capacity of early career researchers and faculty at African universities
      to build the field of humanities by establishing networks for scholarly communication across Africa and with Africanists worldwide.
      Fellowship stipends allow recipients an academic year free from teaching and other duties for completion of the PhD dissertation, for revising the dissertation for publication, or for the first major research project after the PhD. Fellows are also eligible for additional benefits such as residential stays for writing, manuscript development workshops, and publication support.


    • Title

      NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship


      National Academy of Education

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      November 20 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program supports early career scholars working in critical areas of education research. This non-residential postdoctoral fellowship funds proposals that make significant scholarly contributions to the field of education. The program also develops the careers of its recipients through professional development activities involving National Academy of Education members.


    • Title

      Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies: Predissertation-Summer Travel Grants


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      November 6 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      For graduate students who wish to conduct preliminary preparations in China prior to beginning basic research for the dissertation. These grants are not intended as extensions of the time devoted to basic research but to support the necessary steps to prepare for it. They are for graduate students—with a PhD prospectus in hand or developing one—seeking to investigate the research currently underway in Chinese archives and field sites, to establish contact with Chinese scholars, and to secure necessary permissions for fieldwork or archival research. Applications in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences are welcome. The program supports the study of Chinese culture and society in all periods. Research in Hong Kong, Tibet and Taiwan is eligible.


    • Title

      Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Program in China Studies: Postdoctoral Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      November 6 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      For scholars who are preparing their PhD dissertation for publication, or who are embarking on new research projects. Applications in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences are welcome. The program supports the study of Chinese culture and society in all periods. Research in Hong Kong, Tibet and Taiwan is eligible.


    • Title

      Comparative Perspectives on Chinese Culture and Society


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $25,000 for conferences; $10,000 to $15,000 for workshops and seminars; up to $6,000 for planning meetings

      Important Dates

      November 6 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      In this cycle of competitions ACLS invites proposals in the humanities and related social sciences that adopt an explicitly cross-cultural or comparative perspective. Projects may, for example, compare aspects of Chinese history and culture with those of other nations and civilizations, explore the interaction of these nations and civilizations, or engage in cross-cultural research on the relations among the diverse and dynamic populations of China. Proposals should be empirically grounded, theoretically informed, and methodologically explicit.

      The program supports collaborative work of three types:

      Planning Meetings: Grants up to $6,000 for one-day meetings to develop topics selected by participants. These brainstorming sessions may lead to workshops or conferences, but that is not required.
      Workshops: Grants of $10,000 to $15,000 for workshops to promote discussion and the exchange of ideas on newly available or inadequately researched data or texts in a collegial, seminar-like setting. Workshops are not mini-conferences for presentation of formal papers describing work already completed.
      Conferences: Grants up to $25,000 for formal conferences for presentation of significant new research to be published in a conference volume.
      The program promotes interchange among scholars who may not otherwise have the opportunity to work together. Accordingly, there will be no support for activities that include scholars from only one institution that fall within an institution’s normal range of colloquia, symposia, or seminar series, or that consist of regularly scheduled meetings, conventions, or parts thereof. Activities proposed must include at least one scholar from Taiwan.


    • Title

      Common Field Grant


      Common Field

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      April 15, July 15, November 15 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Common Field is a visual arts organizing network connecting contemporary, experimental, noncommercial artist-run and artist centered spaces and initiatives.

      Match Requirement



    • Title

      Art-in-Ed Artist's Book Residency Grant


      Women's Studio Workshop

      Funding Amount

      $350/wk Stipend + $750 for materials and $250 for travel with free onsite housing and 24/7 studio access for eight to ten weeks.

      Important Dates

      November 15- Postmark deadline; residency occurs the following school year: October-December or January-April. (confirmed) 

      Brief Description

      Our Art-in-Education (AIE) program is a model for arts education and operates in conjunction with the Kingston City School District. AIE provides a high quality arts experience by bringing students to a professional artist’s workspace and giving them concentrated time to learn printmaking, papermaking, and book arts.

      Generally, the resident dedicates her first month to producing a limited edition artist’s book, which is hand-printed and bound in the studio. WSW can provide technical advice; training on new equipment, techniques, and materials; and production assistance. (You can read more about the artist’s book aspect here.)

      During the second half of the residency, the artist works with young people in WSW’s studios, teaching one to two days/week for three to four weeks, and visiting the students twice in school. Studio space and equipment is reserved for students during program hours, but artists may work at any time outside of AIE. 


    • Title

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies: Dissertation Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      November 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowships in Buddhist Studies provide one-year stipends to PhD candidates for full time preparation of dissertations. The fellowship period may be used for fieldwork, archival research, analysis of findings, or for writing after research is complete. There are no restrictions as to the location of work proposed, or the citizenship/residence of applicants. The final products of research supported may be in any language. It is especially important, therefore, to publicize the program in Asia, both because Asia is the historical home of Buddhist traditions and because it is the site of outstanding contemporary scholarship.


    • Title

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies: Postdoctoral Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Annual stipend of $55,000 (In addition, if required, a relocation allowance of $5,000).

      Important Dates

      November 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships in Buddhist Studies provide two years of funding to recent recipients of the PhD for residence at a university for the purpose of revising the dissertation into a publishable manuscript or for beginning the first new project after completion of the PhD degree.  The teaching of one course per year is encouraged.  Priority is given to residence at universities or colleges providing a collegial atmosphere and working conditions enabling the postdoctoral Fellow’s entry into an academic career in Buddhist studies.


    • Title

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies: Collaborative Research Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      November 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Collaborative Research Fellowships in Buddhist Studies support work that may be interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary. International and multilingual projects are encouraged. Especially welcome are projects that relate different Buddhist traditions to each other or that relate scholarship on the broad Buddhist tradition to contemporary concerns in other academic fields.

      Applications must identify the project coordinator and the other principal collaborators, all of whom will be named Collaborative Fellows. Applications must propose a clear plan for the collaboration with a jointly-authored, research-based scholarly product. While scholars collaborate in many ways, such as reviewing each other’s work or sharing ideas at conferences, these fellowships support only projects in which all Collaborative Fellows dedicate a significant amount of effort to the joint work.

      Workshops may be proposed for Fellows and a small number of colleagues working on a similar topic. Conferences may also be proposed, but these must include public events for presentation of the work accomplished during the project. Proposals for such events must be applied for separately and require detailed budgets. Up to $5,000 is available for workshops; up to $15,000 for conferences. The total amount of the fellowship, including funds for workshops and conferences, cannot exceed $200,000.

      Requests to fund conferences or workshops will be considered only as part of a broader, research-based project. Conferences or meetings in themselves do not fulfill the requirement for jointly authored, research-based scholarly products.

      The Project Coordinator should apply on behalf of the team with requests for individual stipend amounts (and the associated periods of work on the project) and with requests (if any) for workshops and conferences. It is expected that project funds will be received, disbursed, and reported on by the project coordinator's university.


    • Title

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies: Research Fellowships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Stipend: up to $70,000, to provide release from other duties for devoting full time to the proposed project. The exact stipend will be calculated based on the Fellows’ current academic salary and other fellowships, grants, sabbatical salary to be received during fellowship tenure. A nine-month stipend may not exceed 125% of the annual academic salary.

      Important Dates

      November 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Research Fellowships in Buddhist Studies Research fellowships offer support for research and writing in Buddhist studies for scholars who hold a PhD degree, with no restrictions on time from the PhD.
      These fellowships provide scholars time free from teaching and other responsibilities to devote full-time to research and writing on the project proposed. The fellowship period may last up to nine months, during which time no teaching, commissioned research on other topics, or administrative duties are allowed. The fellowship may be separated into two periods, each of which must be a minimum of three months. If the entire duration is less than a total of nine months (minimum of six months), the stipend will be prorated.


  • December 2025

    • Title

      Franklin Research Grants


      American Philosophical Society

      Funding Amount

      Up to $6,000

      Important Dates

      December 2  (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Since 1933, the American Philosophical Society has awarded small grants to scholars in order to support the cost of research leading to publication in all areas of knowledge. In 2015–2016 the Franklin Research Grants program awarded $473,950 to 93 scholars, and the Society expects to make a similar number of awards in this year’s competition. The Franklin program is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to libraries and archives for research purposes; the purchase of microfilm, photocopies, or equivalent research materials; the costs associated with fieldwork; or laboratory research expenses.


      Match Requirement




    • Title

      NEH Collaborative Research Grants:


      National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      December 2 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Collaborative Research Grants support interpretive humanities research undertaken by two or more collaborating scholars, for full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years. Support is available for various combinations of scholars, consultants, and research assistants; project-related travel and archival research; field work; and technical support and services. All grantees are expected to disseminate the results of their work to the appropriate scholarly and public audiences.


      Match Requirement




    • Title

      NEH: Collaborative Research Grant


      Nancy Smith Hurd Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      December 2 (Anticipated) 

      Brief Description

      Collaborative Research Grants support interpretive humanities research undertaken by two or more collaborating scholars, for full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years. Support is available for various combinations of scholars, consultants, and research assistants; project-related travel; field work; applications of information technology; and technical support and services. All grantees are expected to disseminate the results of their work to the appropriate scholarly and public audiences.

      Eligible projects include:

      -research that significantly adds to knowledge and understanding of the humanities;

      -conferences on topics of major importance in the humanities that will benefit scholarly research; and

      -archaeological projects that include the interpretation and dissemination of results.


  • January 2026

    • Title

      The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies: New Professorships


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      up to $300,000 (to be expended over four years) in support of new teaching positions in Buddhist studies.

      Important Dates

      January 9 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Institutions of higher education worldwide are eligible to apply for grants up to $300,000 (to be expended over four years) in support of new teaching positions in Buddhist studies. Award funds should be used only for the new professor’s salary, benefits, and research expenses, not for indirect or administrative costs, or office expenses. In addition, applicant institutions are eligible to request funds for costs related to a competitive search for the proposed position. The request must not exceed the $300,000 maximum.


    • Title

      Arts Respond Project


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount

      Minimum Request: $1,000 Maximum Request: 50% of project budget

      Important Dates

      Semi Annual; July 15 for projects beginning Sept. 1 through March 31; January 15 for projects beginning April 1 through Aug. 31 (confirmed)

      Brief Description

      This program provides project assistance grants on a short-term basis and may include administrative costs directly related to the project.

      Projects must address ONE of the following priority areas:


      Intent: Projects that use art to promote innovations in K-12 education.

      Designed for projects that impact K-12 students in a school setting or during the school day in conjunction with school officials. Must be TEKS aligned (public schools).


      Intent: Projects that use art to improve human health or functioning.

      Designed for projects that focus on health related topics, serve specific populations, or occur in a health care or human service setting (hospital, clinic, senior activity center, women’s shelter, homeless shelter, etc.)


      Intent: Projects that use art to diversify local economies, generate revenue, and attract visitors and investment.

      Designed for projects that focus on job growth or cultural tourism (festivals, gallery walks, art fairs, etc.)


      Intent: Projects that use art to prevent delinquency and recidivism in youth and adults.

      Designed for projects that focus on at-risk youth or incarcerated populations (after school program, juvenile detention center, adult prison, alternative learning center).


      Intent: Projects that use art to understand and/or improve the ecological and agricultural environment.

       Designed for projects that occur in rural counties (festivals, fairs, exhibitions, performances) or focus on natural resources (oil, water, green art, ecological issues).

      ***NOTE: there are limits to the number of submissions allowed from the university for each cycle. Please contact the Research Coordinator immediately if you are interested in submitting.

      Match Requirement

      1:1 dollar for dollar


    • Title

      Conservation Grants Program


      Samuel H. Kress Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      January 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The Conservation program supports the professional practice of art conservation, especially as it relates to European art of the pre-modern era. Grants are awarded to projects that create and disseminate specialized knowledge, including archival projects, development and dissemination of scholarly databases, documentation projects, exhibitions and publications focusing on art conservation, scholarly publications, and technical and scientific studies.  Grants are also awarded for activities that permit conservators and conservation scientists to share their expertise with both professional colleagues and a broad audience through international exchanges, professional meetings, conferences, symposia, consultations, the presentation of research, exhibitions that include a prominent focus on materials and techniques, and other professional events.


    • Title

      History of Art Grants Program


      Samuel H. Kress Foundation

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      January 15 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      The History of Art program supports scholarly projects that will enhance the appreciation and understanding of European art and architecture. Grants are awarded to projects that create and disseminate specialized knowledge, including archival projects, development and dissemination of scholarly databases, documentation projects, museum exhibitions and publications, photographic campaigns, scholarly catalogues and publications, and technical and scientific studies.

      Grants are also awarded for activities that permit art historians to share their expertise through international exchanges, professional meetings, conferences, symposia, consultations, the presentation of research, and other professional events.


    • Title

      ACLS Digital Extension Grants


      American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

      Funding Amount

      Up to $150,000

      Important Dates

      January 8 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      ACLS Digital Extension Grants will support teams of scholars as they enhance existing digital projects in ways that engage new audiences across a range of academic communities and institutions. To this end, projects supported by these grants may:

      Extend existing digital projects and resources with content that adds diversity or interdisciplinary reach;

      Develop new systems of making existing digital resources available to broader audiences and/or scholars from diverse institutions;

      Foster new team-based work or collaborations that allow scholars from institutions with limited cyberinfrastructure to exploit digital resources

      Create new forms and sites for scholarly engagement with the digital humanities. Projects that document and recognize participant engagement are strongly encouraged.


    • Title

      Cultural Districts Designation Program


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      Letter of Intent due January 30; Application due June 15 (anticipated )

      Brief Description

      Intent: To designate special zones in cities and Texas communities that harness the power of cultural resources to stimulate economic development and community revitalization.

      As authorized by H.B. 2208 of the 79th Legislature, the Texas Commission on the Arts can designate cultural districts in Texas. In this program, an organization by itself or representing a collaborative effort will file an application to recognize their cultural district. Applicants must schedule an orientation meeting and work closely with Commission staff in the development of their application.


    • Title

      Touring Roster Inclusion


      Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA)

      Funding Amount


      Important Dates

      January 31 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      Intent: To ensure that every Texas community has access to high quality arts programming at an affordable price.

      The Texas Commission on the Arts maintains an approved Touring Roster of Texas-based touring companies and artists. In this program, the artist or artist's management sets the fee and negotiates the booking. Applicants must have a history of touring and maintain a reasonable fee range. Roster artists are required to perform outside their community regularly. Touring artists offer single performances as well as optional services that may include workshops, master classes, lecture-demonstrations, arts education components, residencies, or short performances. The fact that an artist is approved to the roster does not imply or guarantee that the artist will receive bookings in the coming year.


    • Title

      Digital Extension Grants


      American Council of Learned Societies

      Funding Amount

      Up to $150,000

      Important Dates

      January 8 (Anticipated)

      Brief Description

      This program supports digitally based research projects in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. It is hoped that these grants will help advance humanistic scholarship by enhancing established digital projects, extending their reach to new communities of users, and supporting teams of scholars at all career stages as they participate in digital research projects.

      This program aims to extend the opportunity to participate in the digital transformation of humanistic inquiry to a greater number of humanities scholars. ACLS Digital Extension Grants support projects that have advanced beyond the start-up phase of development as they pursue one or more of the following activities.

      • Developing new systems of making established digital resources available to broader audiences and/or scholars from diverse institutions.
      • Extending established digital projects and resources with content that adds diversity or interdisciplinary reach.
      • Fostering new team-based collaborations between scholars at all career stages. Projects that convene, train, and empower communities of humanities faculty and/or graduate students around established research projects, as well as projects that allow scholars from institutions with limited digital infrastructure to exploit digital resources or to participate in existing labs or working groups, are especially welcome.
      • Creating new forms and sites for scholarly engagement with the digital humanities. Projects that document and recognize participant engagement are strongly encouraged.

      Match Requirement

